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The Brothertown Peacemakers and Brothertown Forward would like to invite all Brothertown descendants (enrolled and non-enrolled) to our end of year family gathering via Zoom. The event will take place Saturday, December 10th, at 3pm Central/4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific. The Zoom link can be found at https://brothertownindians.org/events/kindred-spirits-gathering-for-the-holidays/. Below, please find an agenda and ground rules. We can’t wait to see you!

Proposed agenda:

  1. Welcome from both Chief Peacemaker and Brothertown Forward and opening prayer
  2. Acknowledge any elected officials who attend and thank them for their service
  3. Get-to-know you breakout session (10 minutes) Possible topics: give individuals the option of either once in the session.
    a. Which ancestral lines do you descend from? AND/OR
    b. Share one story of one grandparent.
  4. Back to the main gathering where we can lead a discussion on hopes and dreams for our Nation in 2023 (5 minutes)
  5. Breakout session (10 minutes)
    a. Share ideas about what they would like to see the tribe accomplish in 2023.
    b. Ask for a recorder to write the list and share it in the main chat room.
    c. Ask for a speaker to present one or two ideas to the main room.
  6. Ask for one or two ideas from each group to present and ask for each group to paste their ideas into the chat so that we can capture it for later. (10 minutes)
  7. Breakout session (10 minutes) where individual can share their family holiday plans.
    Update on offices up for election in 2023 and encourage people to step in and step up
  8. Closing prayer – blessings for safe and joyful holidays and acknowledging the losses families endured the past few years.

Ground Rules:

· We will treat each other with mutual respect
· We will maintain a decorum which exemplifies how our Ancestors lived
· Focus upon issues affecting our community today and tomorrow
· Arrive at this particular time with a good heart and spirit

Photo credit: antiquesandteacups.info