Current Events

In an effort to keep this site a bit more updated, I am planning to upload a monthly calendar to keep you informed of both current and historical events related to the Brothertown Indians.  Here’s October, 2017: october 2017 bt calendar


Mr. Lawrence Gilley of Marshall, New York is planning to cut underbrush at the Brothertown Cemetery there in Spring, 2016.  A group is forming to assist him with this.  If you would like to be involved please contact me by clicking the “contact me” link at the top of this page.  Please check back for more details.

UPDATE:  The cemetery cleanup has been set for The weekend of May 6th (2016) (a Friday).  We are planning to set aside a block of rooms for this weekend. Let me know if you would like to be included in the count.

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Photos courtesy of Mrs. Caroline Andler



The Pacific NW gathering will be held on April 23, 2016.  Please contact the webmaster for more details.


The Brothertown gathering in Minnesota this year will be held on April 30th.


The Welch/DeGroat Reunion this year will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial Park in Shakopee, MN. The date is set for Saturday August 13, 2016. Meat, beverages, and paper products will be supplied. Please plan on bringing something to share. Invitations will be mailed out closer to the date.


There is a symposium September 9-11, 2016 being co-hosted by Ms Ivy Schweitzer at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. This symposium is open to the public and all members of our Tribe have kindly been invited by Ms. Schweitzer to attend.