Brothertown New York


Photos of Deansboro, NY, March 2017.  Courtesy of Kylie Abel.

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Visit this YouTube Video to get a glimpse of “Brothertown”, NY.   Also includes a visit to the Brothertown cemetery.

Until I am able to add further content to this page, you might enjoy visiting the following link which is a newspaper repository.  Do a search for Brotherton, Brothertown Indian, David Fowler, Romance Wyatt, Samson Occom, or whatever search terms are of interest.

Newspaper repository link

Here is a link to a searchable index at Hamilton College:

Also from Hamilton College are several Brothertown New York historical documents from the 1700 and 1800’s.  Follow this link and look for the heading “Brothertown New York”:  Brothertown Digital Historical Library F